Action on prostitution long overdue

Written By Unknown on Sunday 24 February 2013 | 19:55

Regarding the "Spoof on Thailand removed from YouTube", as a Thai, I have to admit that it was a shame for all of us to be made fun of with that joke and it seemed to be a hot scandal in the cyberworld. There were many people asking for some action from the Thai government to deal with the joke. As the result was there was only a minor reaction from the government.

They just asked You-Tube to remove the video and told the US Embassy to explain to the producer of "Saturday Night Live".

This reaction really disappointed me. I thought this joke could remind the government to be more serious about the prostitution issue and would lead them to start something like a policy to control prostitution or accelerate police's work on the issue in order to decrease corruption from receiving tributes in the prostitution area.

Moreover, it is not a month yet but everyone seems to have forgotten the spoof and keeps doing their own business, so when will real issues like prostitution really be gotten rid of from our society or do we have to be ashamed for being accused as a sex industry country again and again?

Warangkana Wankawisan


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