First-car scheme welcomed by many

Written By Unknown on Tuesday 1 January 2013 | 08:27

Bravo to the first-time car-buyer scheme, which allows low-income people like myself to own a new car for the very first time.

Similar to Air Asia's "Now Everyone Can Fly" slogan, the government has essentially launched a practical "Now Everyone Can Drive" programme without even calling it that. Now, whether this will eventually turn into "Now Everyone Can Park" is above my pay grade.

And should anyone in Bangkok complain about the million new cars on the roads just because their families have owned cars for decades and now they are affected by these "newcomers", screw them. Owning a car is an individual privilege and not an inheritable right.

Would this be enough to turn me from blue to red come the next election? I'm not sure at this point. But let's just say, for the time being, my neighbours and I will surely take full advantage of the Bt100,000 subsidy.

Thank you, PM Yingluck, whomever you're related to.

Grateful first-time car buyer


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