Speech by Dr Than Htut Aung, CEO of Eleven Media Group

Written By Unknown on Monday 3 June 2013 | 01:09

Dr Than Htut Aung, CEO of Eleven Media Group, won the Golden Pen of Freedom for 2013 awarded by the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA). This is his acceptance address in Bangkok Monday.



Ladies and gentlemen

Thank you everyone for giving me an opportunity to be here. It's an honour.

When I was informed about this Award - I was really surprised. I never expected to be recognized for my profession, and for my work.

To be honest, I have previously only heard of this Award. I didn't know what it meant or who were the recepients. After investigation, I realize that this is a very prestigious Award.

I understand that many journalists and writers who received this Award - had made numerous sacrifices and had to face up to a lot of challenges.

Although I have given a lot to journalism, freedom of the press, and freedom of my people - I ask myself whether I had made the same extent of sacrifices as past recepients of this Award.

After much thought - I decide that this Award is not for me, but rather, for my struggling people.

Since I was born, I have always lived under dictatorship. I have never experienced freedom before. Now, after five decades of my life - FREEDOM is in front of me.

I would like to point out that our country's freedom is a fairly recent phenonmenon. There are numerous problems that need to be fixed. Our 60 million people are still living in poverty. Discrimination and injustice prevail everywhere... There is a lack to the rule of law, widespread corruption, and hundreds of thousand people live in refugee camps...

I would like to tell the international community that our transition to democracy and people's freedom is not as smooth as you may think. Those who cannot accept the changes are doing everything they can to block reform progress. . They want to impose indirect control on the media despite all appearances of liberalization. They are creating network to intensify the propaganda and to attack political figures and journalists. They are responsible for inciting religious riots; arm conflicts...leading to displacement of thousands of people...as you may already know.

I understand that after 50 years of dictatorship, the road to democracy may not be smooth. We are still living under pressure and fear.

This Golden Pen of Freedom Award means to me that I am not walking alone. We, the people of Myanmar, are not walking alone. This Award means YOU, the internation community, are with US.

Thank you on behalf of my people. Thank you on behalf of my country.

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Article source: http://www.thethailandlinks.com/2013/06/03/speech-by-dr-than-htut-aung-ceo-of-eleven-media-group/


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