Exit poll to be conducted by BSRU, Nation University

Written By Unknown on Wednesday 27 February 2013 | 20:19

Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University (BSRU) will join forces with the Nation University and the Television Pool of Thailand to carry out an exit poll for the March 3 Bangkok governor election.

BSRU lecturer Sing Singkachorn said the exit poll would be carried out on 20,000 respondents across Bangkok districts - 400 respondents per district. Ten people will be stationed in each district to poll people in the age groups 18-35, 36-45 and 45-plus, with respondents also classified according to occupation.

Survey officials will dress in plain student uniforms free of any signs, and stay 20 metres away from polling stations.

They will collect information only from people they see exercising their voting right and exiting the polling station. They have been told not to coerce voters to answer questions, and are banned from disseminating the survey's results. If pressured by canvassers they will leave the area immediately without divulging any information.

Survey officials will introduce themselves to voters and ask them to fill in questionnaires by themselves, without giving spoken answers.

Answers will be keyed in through the USSD mobile phone system.

Apart from their personal information, voters will be asked the following questions: Whom did they vote for this time? Whom did they vote for in the previous election? Which party did

they vote for this time? Did they vote for an independent candidate? How much time will

they give the winning governor to deliver results - three months, six months or one year.

The survey information will be sent no later than 2pm on election day and analyses will be completed by 2.30pm.

Sing urged surveyed voters to be truthful, as the poll's results could be politically exploited.

He said pollsters had been told to leave their posts if they encountered red shirts or yellow shirts, as other officials would work in their place at other polling booths.

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Article source: http://www.thethailandlinks.com/2013/02/28/exit-poll-to-be-conducted-by-bsru-nation-university/


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