Commerce Ministry: Abhisit Govts rice trade, an unconventional practice

Written By Unknown on Sunday 6 January 2013 | 10:14

Published on January 5, 2013 by TFP   ·   No Comments

BANGKOK, 2 January 2013 (NNT) â€" A Ministry of Commerce investigation has concluded that the G2G (government to government) rice trade, executed under the previous administration, has not been in line with conventional state practices.

Permanent Secretary for Commerce Vatchari Vimooktayon revealed, on Wednesday, that a report on the Commerce Ministry’s investigation into the Abhisit Vejjajiva administration’s rice trade practices, including the G2G deals, is already in the hands of Commerce Minister Boonsong Teriyapirom.

Mrs. Vatchari said that the probe result showed the last government’s rice trade had been unconventional while important information had not been made public.

She added that the probe also found the last government had sold rice stock only to a few companies.

However, Mrs. Vatchari conceded that the investigation committee could not conclude if such conducts are right or wrong.

The Permanent Secretary for Commerce went on to say that the panel’s job was to report its findings to the Commerce Minister, who will decide whether or not the report details will be disclosed to the public.

As for the current government’s G2G rice trade, Mrs. Vatchari said that many countries have placed purchase orders for more than 7.3 million tons of rice from Thailand, so far.

Still, she noted that drought will likely worsen and hit crops hard this year. Therefore, the ministry is to consult with other related units to find effective solutions to this pending problem.

(NNT: suwit rattiwan suwit rattiwan)




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