Pitak Siam leader files complaint

Written By Unknown on Saturday 1 December 2012 | 04:52

General Boonlert Kaewprasit, leader of the Pitak Siam group, filed complaints with the Office of the Ombudsman and the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) yesterday alleging that the government and the police chief breached the Constitution by blocking his group's rally.

Boonlert's complaint said that the government unconstitutionally enforced the International Security Act (ISA) in the heart of Bangkok to prevent people from joining the rally on November 24.

He submitted his complaint to Ombudsman Sriracha Charoenphanit, urging him to pass it on to the Constitution Court to see whether the government did indeed breach the charter. The Army veteran said the Constitution guaranteed people the right to protest peacefully, but this right had been breached when the government enforced the ISA to block them from joining the demonstration.

Boonlert said the ISA was also used give police the right to hurt protesters by firing tear gas at them.

"Before we held the rally, Pitak Siam wrote to the prime minister, the Interior Ministry and the police commissioner-general seeking permission to hold a rally at the Royal Plaza. Initially, the government was not opposed to the rally, but then it invoked the ISA on November 22," Boonlert said.

"The ISA is lower in status than the Constitution, which gives people the right to demonstrate peacefully. The enforcement of the ISA divided the rally ground and people from the provinces were blocked from joining. When they arrived, police used tear gas against them and someone also released snakes at the rally ground. I had to end the gathering for fear more people would be injured."

Sriracha told Boonlert he would try to speed up deliberation on the complaint.

Later, Boonlert submitted a complaint against Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, her Cabinet and police chief Pol General Adul Saengsingkaew with the NACC.

He alleged that Yingluck practised nonfeasance in her capacity as leader of the government by failing to order police to stop hurting the public. Boonlert also holds the Cabinet responsible for the injuries sustained by demonstrators because it approved the enforcement of the ISA.

He alleged that the police chief, acting as director of the Centre for the Administration of Peace and Order, committed malfeasance as well as nonfeasance in relation to clashes between police and demonstrators.

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Article source: http://www.thethailandlinks.com/2012/12/01/pitak-siam-leader-files-complaint/


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