Credits roll on film and annie saga, Pleum's honeymoon adventure

Written By Unknown on Saturday 1 December 2012 | 16:56

Rattapoom "Film" Tokongsub is giving his old nemesis in a long-running paternity battle the cold shoulder, as the struggling actress attempts to re-launch her career.

Rungnapa 'Annie' Brook and Rattapoom 'Film' Tokongsub.

Speaking a week after losing her paternity dispute with the superstar, Rungnapa "Annie" Brook said she would be happy to work with Film again, as she was sure they could put the past behind them.

Annie said she bears no hard feelings towards Film, with whom she fought a two-year battle in the courts. She is now looking for work, and eager to launch her young son's career as an entertainer.

"I hear Film says he's sympathetic to my plight. Thanks very much," she told reporters, admitting she found it hard to scrape together the fees for her toddler's kindergarten.

"Now this legal dispute is over, we have gone back to feeling good towards each other. If someone wants to hire us as a duo, I'd be happy to accept," she said.

Film, however, said Annie's attempt at reconciliation left him unmoved. "I think it might be better if we each go our separate ways," he said.

Earlier last week, Annie met reporters for the first time since capitulating in her paternity battle with Film by agreeing to remove his name from the child's birth records.

The actress, who earlier claimed to have given birth to Film's unwanted son, Tekayu, agreed with Film's demand that she remove his name as father.

Annie, who is raising the child alone, turned up at a local government office with her lawyer. Film also turned up to witness the act, the first time that he and Annie had met since the dispute erupted.

Neither spoke to the other, and both of them hurried away as soon as the task was performed.

When she spoke to reporters at an industry function last week, however, Annie tried to put her best foot forward.

"I'm feeling so happy about life. All my legal cases are over. I no longer have to pay legal expenses, and more importantly, no longer have to flee reporters," she said.

"I sleep like a baby. So what if my son has no father [willing to raise him]? Applying for a visa is easy, and there are millions of other Thai children like him," she added.

"I want to focus on making money. The term fees at my son's kindergarten are 50,000 baht a pop, so it's expensive.

"If we meet again, we can work together normally," Annie insisted, referring to Film.

Thais are less willing to forgive and forget, judging by feedback on webboards. "I am amazed this woman has the gall to show her face in public again," one netizen wrote.

Annie said her son shows signs of creative talent, and has posed with her for one or two magazine shoots.

"He enjoys play acting, and likes to play dead. If anyone wants a child to play a death scene, they can get in touch," she said.

"I tell him that we have to help each other, as it's just the two of us.

"I have to make sure that anyone who enters my life will also love my son. He must also be a good person, and most important, own 32 rai of land!" she joked.

Asked what she would tell Tekayu about his father when he grows up, Annie said she had rehearsed the words in her head, but she declined to go into detail.

"I have no father myself, but carry on with my life just the same. We can still hold our heads up. I don't see why we should care what people think."

Film said he felt sympathy rather than a sense of elation after winning his paternity battle.

"The court agreed I had nothing to do with this, and all along I have wanted each side to do the right thing," he said.

"I have felt many emotions in the past, but when we finally met, I felt sympathy for her, as it's all taken such a long time," he said.

In September, 2010, Annie claimed she had given birth to Film's son, who was then aged three months.

Film, who admits he had a brief fling with Annie, refused to acknowledge he was the father until she submitted the child's DNA to a paternity test.

Annie declined, and both sides took each other to court for defamation.

After Annie claimed Film was an irresponsible father, Film's career nosedived amid a public backlash. He and his mother were admitted to hospital in shock.

Film's label RS Promotion froze his career plans, though later rallied on the star's behalf, claiming Annie was a woman of loose morals who had slept with other men at the same time as she was seeing Film.

The pair settled their legal row in February last year. Film said that as part of the deal, Annie agreed to remove his name as father from the child's birth certificate.

After months of delays, Annie finally agreed to strike out his name last month. In return, Film agreed to abandon the four legal cases he had lodged against the actress, including one in which he claimed Annie had forged his name on the child's birth record.

Annie has declined to answer questions about the identity of the boy's father.

Surabot 'Pleum' Leekpai and Mallika 'TabTim' Jongwattana.

Darling, don't forget the snake repellent

Television presenter Surabot "Pleum" Leekpai has a few surprises for his new wife if she thinks their honeymoon will be a laid-back affair in some luxury resort.

Pleum, 25, who married co-presenter Mallika "TabTim" Jongwattana at a royally sponsored wedding in Bangkok last week, said he wanted to spend their honeymoon in the Amazon, as he was a fan of giant anacondas.

"I've wanted see one ever since I was a child," he told reporters.

Failing that, he said the pair could travel to an under-developed country to help the poor and dispossessed.

"A honeymoon can be many things, not just an opportunity to lie back and relax. We can do something to benefit other people as well," he said.

Pleum is the only son of former prime minister Chuan Leekpai. The guest list included high-profile politicians and entertainers, in a ceremony presided over by Privy Council President Prem Tinsulanonda.

Pleum said the pair have no immediate plans for a honeymoon or starting a family, as both are busy working. The pair present a teen-themed TrueVisions TV show, VRZO.

"TabTim was working right up until the night before the wedding. She didn't have time to take a course on being a bride. But in her heart, she's ready," Pleum said.

"Today we change our status, to husband and wife, which is a good thing. When we were engaged, if people saw me out and about, they asked: 'Isn't TabTim with you today?' Now that we're married, they'll ask: 'Isn't your wife out with you today?"' he said.

His father prepared a book of sketches of his son and his wife, which he drew himself, as a present to guests who attended the wedding.

"On the day I took TabTim to meet my parents, they knew I'd already thought my decision through. My parents trust my judgement," said Pleum, who admits he is not the romantic type.

Pleum dodged questions about how much his family had offered as a bridal price to secure TabTim's hand in marriage.

"The present I give TabTim today is my heart. It's not necessary to lavish money on a gift, or look at how much I'm giving as a bridal price.

"TabTim is the most special person for me, apart from my parents. I've never met anyone this good. I'm terribly proud of her," he said.

As TabTim, 24, started to weep, Pleum brushed away her tears.

Tabtim said the couple say little to each other when at work. She also tends to let Pleum speak for her when in public. "I don't know how I'll feel tomorrow when I wake up next to Pi Pleum," she said simply.

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About the author

columnist Writer: Mae Moo
Position: Reporter

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