Shocked by MP's sexism

Written By Unknown on Thursday 29 November 2012 | 08:45

Re: ''Prasit ordered to retract sexual remarks'', (BP, Nov 28).

What vulgar and ungentlemanly manners from a member of parliament _ and from the government's side!

I also saw, on TV, some female MPs from the ruling Pheu Thai Party who were sitting in the front row giggling merrily when they heard their fellow MP Prasit Chaisrisa verbally abusing opposition Democrat MP Rangsima Rodrassamee.

These ladies never seemed to realise that an act of sexism was going on. Was it simply because it was not targeted at them?

Parliament should have the ethics committee investigate Mr Prasit for this ugly incident and have him punished if found guilty.

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, a champion of women's progress and dignity, don't you feel anything at all?


Thailand must reject ICC

Re: ''Prayuth says ICC should have no say over clashes'', (BP Nov 28).

I agree that the subject is strictly a domestic matter for Thailand, not the ICC.

Abandoning the investigation and relying on an international solution would reveal the inability of Thailand and cause great shame to an independent country.

Even if it takes a great deal of time and the conclusion draws international criticism, the matter should be resolved by Thais themselves at all costs.


Bananas don't jam traffic

Bangkok police posting announcements prohibiting the sale of banana chips near Chakkraphatdiphong intersection (BP, Nov 27) is the latest in a long line of logic-defying measures that seemed aimed purely at harassing the poor and marginalised.

The claim that fried banana sellers are causing traffic jams is ludicrous.

It's precisely the existence of the traffic jams that provides customers for the banana sellers _ and also the sellers of flowers, balloons, novelties, candies, and other products hawked on the city's gridlocked streets.

If authorities assessed the real causes of traffic jams in Bangkok, they wouldn't waste time annoying poor vendors trying to scratch out a living. If anything, the service these sellers provide should be recognised as a valuable contribution to maintaining the sanity of harried commuters chronically snarled in traffic.


Super cabbie returns iPad

I am writing to you to express my heartfelt gratitude towards the people of Thailand.

I have been a regular visitor to Thailand and with each trip I love the country and its people a little more! However, a recent incident has made me a bigger fan of the ''Land of Smiles''. I was in Bangkok on a holiday with some friends this November from Singapore. We were staying at the Novotel Fenix Silom. The holiday went very well!

On the night of my departure, I took a taxi from the hotel to the airport.

During the security check I realised that I had left my Apple iPad in the taxi. Obviously, I was very upset.

Once I landed back in Singapore, though I had little hope of getting it back, I called the hotel and enquired if a lost iPad was handed to them. Voila! The honest taxi driver had indeed handed it to the concierge. The staff of the hotel very extremely helpful in reuniting me with my iPad and it is with me now.

Such honesty is rare and I am so glad that I was a recipient of such a gesture.

I do not know the name of the taxi driver but, if he is reading this, I want to say, thank you. I am grateful to the hotel staff as well.

I wish Thailand and its people the very best always. Stay honest and stay happy!


Brit envoy had a leg up

With reference to Songkran Grachangnetara's column in yesterday's Post, it should be pointed out that the new British Ambassador Mark Kent was given a year's sabbatical expressly to learn to speak, read and write Thai before taking up the post.

This in no way denigrates his achievement. But any farang with the same opportunity could probably equal it.


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